Ty Frankel – Big Money Skill Mastery
It’s easy to get TRICKED into a 9-5 (waste of time) or degree (worthless scam).
Everyday at a 9-5 you’re making your Boss aka daddy rich.
Your boss views you as an ASSET. Not a person.
He controls every aspect of your life.
When he finds someone cheaper, you’re fired & thrown on the street.
LIES they tell you:
Spending $200K on a degree (aka worthless piece of paper) is worth it
Getting a 9-5 and enslaving yourself is the only option
You need to be a genius and have a lot of cash to start a business
45% of college grads from last year are STILL looking for a job (CBS)
Wasn’t college supposed to “guarantee” getting a high paying job??
The road I took wasn’t guaranteed. But
I scaled my agency to $50K a month, won an Emmy and traveled to over 30 countries all before my 23rd birthday.